Amanda Luedeke is a literary agent with MacGregor Literary. She posts about growing your author platform every Thursday. You can follow her on Twitter @amandaluedeke or join her Facebook group to stay current with her wheelings and dealings as an agent.
I'm in New York right now, visiting with publishers and pitching books, and though I had every intention of continuing my "Building an Author Platform" series, it just doesn't look like that's going to happen this week. So sorry about that. I know that some of you come here specifically for those posts and I hate to let you down.
So, to make up for the lack of a post this week, I thought I'd share a list of projects that I'm looking for. I'm hoping this is a satisfactory trade. :)
Right now, I'm primarily looking for authors who have published with a traditional house. However, if you're an unpublished author, don't lose heart. The best thing to do there is to try and meet me at a conference (I'm attending roughly 12 this year, and you can find the list on the info tab of my Facebook page). If I like you and I like your book, I'm much more willing to try and make room for you.
Here's what I'm currently acquring:
Adult Fantasy
Adult Urban Fantasy (especially geared to women)
Adult Paranormal Romance
Adult Science Fiction
Any of the "weird" genres, like Steampunk, Dystopian, Horror, etc.
African American Romance
Young Adult Fiction (open to just about anything)
Nonfiction projects from authors with great platforms
Nonfiction for the 20 and 30-something crowd
Have a genre in mind, but you're not seeing it on the list? Leave a comment below and I'll let you know whether it would be a fit.
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